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GitHub Provider

Provider Name: github

The GitHub Provider in FluidAuth Express simplifies integrating GitHub authentication into your application. With this provider, users can log in using their GitHub account, allowing for a seamless and familiar authentication experience

Use the name github when configuring this provider in your AuthService instance. For example:



To use the GitHub Provider, import it into your application as follows:

const { GithubProvider } = require("@fluidauth/express/providers");

export const Github = new GithubProvider({
credential: {
clientId: "your-client-id",
clientSecret: "your-client-secret",
redirectUri: "your-redirect-uri",

async verifyUser(data, profile) {
return { user: null, info: "no user in the database" };

Steps to Obtain Client ID, Client Secret, and Setup Redirect URL

  1. Create a GitHub OAuth App:

    • Log in to GitHub.
    • Go to GitHub Developer Settings.
    • Click "New OAuth App".
    • Enter the Application Name, Homepage URL, and Authorization Callback URL.
    • Click "Register application".
  2. Obtain Client ID and Client Secret:

    • After registration, you’ll be on the application details page.
    • Find the Client ID at the top of the page.
    • Click "Generate a new client secret" to get your Client Secret. Keep this value secure.
  3. Configure Your Application:

    • Update the clientId, clientSecret, and redirectUri in the GitHub Provider configuration as shown above.

For more details, refer to the GitHub OAuth Documentation and GitHub Developer Settings.

Credential Option

clientIdStringThe Client ID obtained from GitHub OAuth application settings.
clientSecretStringThe Client Secret obtained from GitHub OAuth application settings.
redirectUriStringThe URL to which GitHub will redirect after authentication.

Explanation: These credentials are used to configure your application with GitHub OAuth, allowing secure authentication and authorization.

VerifyUser Function

dataObjectThe data received from the OAuth provider, including token information.
profileObjectThe user's profile information provided by GitHub, such as username and email.

Explanation: The verifyUser function processes the OAuth data and user profile to manage authentication and user details.


access_tokenstringThe access token for authenticated requests.
token_typestringThe type of the token (e.g., "bearer").
scopestringThe scope of the access granted by the token.

Explanation: This data includes the token and its type, which are used for making authenticated requests and defining access permissions.


idstringUnique identifier for the user.
node_idstringNode identifier for the user.
picturestringURL to the user's avatar (equivalent to avatar_url).
profileUrlstringURL to the user's profile (equivalent to html_url).
emailsIGitHubEmail[]Array of email addresses associated with the user.


urlstringURL to the user's profile.
followers_urlstringURL to the user's followers.
following_urlstringURL to the user's following.
gists_urlstringURL to the user's gists.
repos_urlstringURL to the user's repositories.
followersstringNumber of followers the user has.
followingstringNumber of users the user is following.
site_adminbooleanWhether the user is a site admin.

Explanation: The Profile object contains personal and public details about the user, such as their name, email, and GitHub URLs, while Public provides additional links and metrics related to the user's GitHub activity.