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Credential Provider

Provider Name: credential

The Credential Provider supports authentication using email and password, allowing users to log in with their credentials.


const { CredentialProvider } = require("@fluidauth/express/providers");
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); // Commonly used for hashing passwords

// Simulated database of users with hashed passwords
const users = [
{ email: "", passwordHash: "$2b$10$abcd1234hashpasswordhere" },
{ email: "", passwordHash: "$2b$10$efgh5678hashpasswordhere" },

const Credential = new CredentialProvider({
async validateUser(email, password) {
// Simulate database query to find the user by email
const user = users.find((user) => === email);

if (!user) {
// Return null if user not found
return { user: null };

// Verify the password using bcrypt (or other password-hashing library)
const isPasswordValid = await, user.passwordHash);

// Return user if password matches, otherwise return null
return { user: isPasswordValid ? user : null };

module.exports = Credential;