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This documentation covers the Session class, an essential component of FluidAuth, providing insights into how it works within the framework.

Fluid Auth is a session based Authencation framework at the momment am currently looking on other ways to persist user data in safe and easy way

FluidAuth is a session-based authentication framework that simplifies the process of managing user sessions securely. While it currently relies on sessions for user data persistence, I'm actively exploring other safe and efficient methods to enhance data storage in the future.

The Session class is responsible for managing user sessions. It uses a session store to persist session data and works with session middleware to manage the current active session.

import { Session, MemoryStore } from "fluidauth/express";

const session = new Session({
secret: "Your Secret", // usually an env variable
store: new MemoryStore(), // use the memory store
cookie: {
// options for configuring the cookie
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 5 hours. maxage is sync with sessionDuration no set maxage
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
sameSite: "strict" // CSRF protection
// handles both cookie and session c
sessionDuration: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 24 hours after


MemoryStore should only be used in development. For production, use a session store linked to a database. For more information on session stores, visit here. visit here

Public Methods of the Session Class

Method NameParametersDescription
manageSessionreq: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunctionManages the session by initializing, validating, and potentially destroying it.
createSessionreq: Request, res: Response, userData: Express.UserCreates a new session for the given user data, sets the session cookie, and updates the request object.
destroySessionreq: Request, res: ResponseDestroys the current session, clears the session cookie, and updates the request object.
cleanSessionNoneCleans up expired sessions from the session store.
getSessionsessionId: stringRetrieves the session data for the given session ID. Returns null if the session does not exist.
deleteSessionsessionId: stringDeletes the session with the specified session ID from the store.

Session config

secretstringThe secret key used to sign the session ID cookie, usually stored in an environment variable.
storeobjectThe session store for persisting session data. In this case, it is set to MemoryStore.
cookieexpress.CookieOptionsAn object that defines the cookie settings. Refer to the Cookie Options table below for more details.
sessionDurationnumberThe duration in milliseconds for which the session is valid. Here, it's set to 24 hours (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).
httpOnlybooleanSpecifies whether the cookie is accessible only via HTTP(S) and not by JavaScript (default: true).
maxAgenumberThe maximum duration in milliseconds for which the cookie is valid. Here, it is set to 5 hours.
securebooleanEnsures the cookie is sent only over HTTPS when set to true. Typically used in production.
sameSitestringControls whether the cookie is sent along with cross-site requests (lax, strict, or none).
expiresDateSpecifies the exact Date when the cookie will expire.
pathstringSpecifies the URL path for which the cookie is valid (default: /).
domainstringDefines the domain for which the cookie is valid.
signedbooleanIndicates whether the cookie should be signed.