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Welcome to FluidAuth!

FluidAuth is an open-source authentication library designed to provide a flexible and efficient solution for managing user authentication and sessions in web applications. Our goal is to offer a high-quality tool that is not only powerful but also freely available to the community.

Why Choose FluidAuth?

  • Open Source Commitment: FluidAuth is open-source, allowing anyone to use, review, and contribute to the code, fostering collaboration and continuous improvement.

  • Flexible Authentication Options: Supports local authentication, OAuth, and custom providers, making it adaptable for various authentication needs.

  • Efficient Session Management: Offers automatic session creation, extension, and expiration for secure and efficient user session management.

  • Easy Integration: Works seamlessly with frameworks like Express, providing a straightforward setup and modular design for easy customization.

  • Community-Driven Development: Thrives on community contributions. We welcome you to contribute code, report issues, or suggest improvements.

  • Security-Focused: Built with top security practices to ensure reliable protection and adherence to industry standards.

Contribute to the Documentation

Our documentation is also open for contributions. If you spot areas for improvement or wish to add information about a new feature, we welcome your input! Simply fork our Documentation GitHub repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Your contributions help keep the documentation accurate and useful for everyone.

Get Involved

We invite you to explore and contribute to FluidAuth! Visit our FluidAuth GitHub repository to access the source code, report issues, or participate in development. Your feedback and contributions help us improve and evolve FluidAuth.

For a quick start, check out the Getting Started guide.